Imagination is a Spiritual Path

By Jon Rappaport
December 17, 2014

Living through and by imagination is a path.

But no one defines it for the individual who is moving along it. No one lays it out. No one is in charge of "the end result."

And no one explains exactly what discoveries will be made along the way.

Philosophies, metaphysical and spiritual systems, and religions are all about content. They fill in "the reality behind the reality."

They depict places you will arrive, and what you will find when you get there. They present cosmologies. They paint pictures.

They tell you what you must do and avoid doing, in order to see what they see.

But the secret behind the secret behind the secret is: you see what you see. You see what you imagine and create and invent.

It's your substance and content. It's your painting. You're painting it.

You do the imagining.

Why is this a spiritual path?

Because as you go, answers to questions you have will spontaneously arise. Answers to the big questions.

This is a side effect of living through and by imagination.

But again, these will be your answers. They aren't prepackaged.

In fact, you may find that the answers you've previously accepted as final and ironclad turn out not to be your answers at all.

Living through and by imagination means that you create and invent what you most profoundly want to create. Not just today, or tomorrow, but on and on, without end.

It is a path. It has no conditions attached to it. You aren't obligated to believe in some particular thing in order to embark on it.

The history books and the spiritual books don't mention this path. Those books have already decided what paths they prefer, and what the end result should be.

The painter paints. The process and the engagement produces multiple realities that never existed before. New spaces, new times, new energies.

New life, new future.

Two Related and Expanded Comments from OSHO

1. OSHO: Creativity Is the Greatest Rebellion In Existence -

2. "If people are wise, they cannot be exploited. . They will assert their individuality. They will have the fragrance of rebellion around them. . . The moment they start using their intelligence they become dangerous . . . In fact, a wise man is a fire, alive, a flame. He would rather die than be enslaved" -